Follow Me – I’m Lost!


Follow Me I'm Lost - One Way sign pic Antiuni Derive small


What is Psychogeography? Is it a vital critique of a sleepwalking consumer society, or has it been recuperated to become just a nice sub-section on bookstore shelves?

How is linked to the Situationists of Paris ’68? What has it got to do with the Flaneur? Is it a privileged position? Can it still be useful today or is it old hat? What does it have to do with William Blake?

Come and discuss it – and then do it! Get out onto the street, take some photos and listen to the city as we attempt to subvert conventional methods of navigating it on an EXPERIMENTAL WALK.

Then come to the pub and ‘debrief’ over a pint 🙂

FREE OF CHARGE, for Antiuniversity 2019. Hosted by myself and Doomed Gallery Projects. Book here.

See you in the streets…

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